Here’s a radio jingle created in 1979 for Missouri Broadcasters:
MBA Legislative Victories
In 1999 we successfully passed HB139 which exempted the initial purchase of digital broadcasting equipment from state and local sales/use taxes.
In 2004 we successfully passed SB1394 which granted special property tax relief to television broadcasters for the dual signals required for the digital conversion.
In 2005 we successfully passed SB210 which statutorily established special property tax tables for broadcasters that recognize and account for the reduced life span of digital equipment.
In 2007 we successfully passed SB30 which exempts all equipment and utilities used in the broadcasting of programming content from state and local sales/use taxes.
In 2014 we successfully passed SB650 which will keep local governments from evaluating applications for a tower/antenna based upon alternative locations. It will keep municipalities from requiring an additional environmental study above and beyond what is mandated by the federal government and eliminate regulations to remove existing equipment as a condition for approval. Application fees will be capped and there are set deadlines for local governments to make decisions on an application.
In 2018, the MBA won a nine-year battle against the state involving three unconstitutional laws on alcohol advertising. The victory means broadcasters and other media can now publicly advertise any legal alcohol discounts and specials, and wholesalers/distributors can be solicited and provide advertising funds in the form of vendor dollars and cooperative advertising to single retailers. The rules restricting alcohol advertising were found to be unconstitutional by a federal District Court in June of 2018, then the decision was affirmed by the Eighth Circuit federal court of appeals in January of 2020.
The mission of the Missouri Broadcasters Association is promoting the success and prosperity of Missouri’s Broadcasters
Missouri Broadcasters Association . 1025 Northeast Drive . Jefferson City, MO 65109
Office: (573) 636-6692 . Fax: (573) 634-8258 MBA Privacy Policy and Media Disclaimer